One student's overview and interpretation of the introduction to the course.
1. USE THE SURPLUS – don’t build more than you need. Use what you have.
incorporate what you have around you. Be efficient, & thrifty.
2. MINIMIZE YOUR EXPENDITURE – Only make major investment in the basic
foundation and give consideration to flexibility.
3. Build a house that tells a/ MY STORY – what is my story I ask???
Who am I
What makes me tick?
What story do I want my space to tell?
How do I want to use my space?
What events/hobbies/fun/enjoyment is my space to be used for?
What gives me pleasure? hmmmm
Know the history of the land – the people – of the space.
Have a house available to suit changing moods - No one can guarantee that how they feel today about their space is how they may feel in a few years soooooo build with flexibility in mind
- weather conditions
- family
- landscape – of area and the people of the past
- my personality - to have a safe, welcoming place for others to come - incorporate my work place ie: job related
- space for my potential partner
- enabling me to travel ie: archive room for storing precious items
- includes availability for my passion for natural healing modes
ie:. Reflexology, meditation etc. fresh food.
7. RITUALS- What is sacred to me? My traditions, My family occasions, special
spaces for feeling good with and without others
8. HEART, Passion, Desire, Feelings , loves, hates = know my hates & avoid
Feel Free where I live – be excited – get tingles – welcoming
9. PEOPLE – use people as part of your resources…. AND KNOW THAT
nothing is an impossible dilemma – the answer is always available and if
others do not have it for you then calm yourself (meditate) and figure it out
10. WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME - do not let the architecture of your
place get in the way of a comfortable inviting feeling, - honour people,
Have a welcoming entry
11. EVERY ROOM WORKING –create synergy between every room in the house
make them work together. KNOW the purpose of each room - - - -
Ie: hydrate, air flow, heating, ie: hot air around feet, cold air around the head
12. SAFETY – use safe ingredients when building – consider the healthy products
for exterior and interior of the structure in addition to the shapes and sizes.
Joan Thorn March 2008