Urban Designer - Vernacular Architect - Maritime Planner - Owner-Builder - Servant of Piglet - Educator - Author - Revolutionary - Peacenik - Tour Guide 

Tony Watkins

 ~ Vernacular Design 

Continuing Education
20 March 2010 Print E-mail

ImageRegulations are notable for their dull conformity, but Green Architecture courses are notable for a wonderful diversity.



1 November 2009 Print E-mail
ImageIt was the first "Green Architecture" course since I had published "The Human House", so that at last we had a recommended text.
Green Architecture 31 October 2009 Print E-mail

ImageTwo days of perfect weather. All the photographs by Ann Krueger.



Green Architecture 28 March 2009 Print E-mail

ImageWith John Key at the helm and the global economic melt down it seemed like a good time for a revolution.



Joan Thorn thoughts 2008 Print E-mail
ImageOne student's overview and interpretation of the introduction to the course.
Green Architecture 29 March 2008 Print E-mail

ImageGreen is the new black.

After spending 150 years cutting down trees New Zealand had finally arrived at the point where some reassessment was needed before for the last trees disappeared. That proved however to be too big a challenge for business, and architecture, where exploitation was the foundation on which success was built. The alternative was to avoid thinking and justify the irresponsible by planting a tree.



It seemed by 2008 that the world had gone mad. Carbon-trading had to be the greatest con trick of all time and it seemed that no one noticed. Everyone was too busy making money out of nothing.




Energy efficiency 2008 Print E-mail

ImageFirst you need to decide that your house will be a collector of energy rather than a user of energy.

A sustainable house produces a surplus of energy.









Ask your architect 2008 Print E-mail

ImageYou can recognise truly great architecture by the sound of the laughter.










Green Architecture 27 October 2007 Print E-mail
ImageAs the pathological built environment dictatorship envisaged by the 2004 Building Act begins to bite home the prospect of a truly green architecture in New Zealand seems to have become very remote. However if practice is ignored the arguments for built environment democracy are more compelling than ever. Opposing views have become so polarised that it has become necessary to return to first principles.
The Hannover Principles Print E-mail

ImageExpo 2000, a World Fair, was held in the City of Hannover, Germany

In 1992 William McDonough Architects prepared a document called The Hannover Principles Design for Sustainability, to act as a brief for the international pavilions at Expo 2000. In satisfying the brief the beauty of the resulting buildings, done by many of the world's leading architects, put to rest the criticism that Green Architecture too often did not delight the mind and the eye as well as the human spirit.


To assist those who cannot find a copy I have reproduced the Principles below. However you should also refer to the book which explains the Principles in greater detail.